© Barbara Prinčič Cogito Design. All rights reserved.
Webpage co-authors, photographs and coworkers
Design Darja Vuga
Page set-up Drago Torkar
Photographs Miha Benedičič, Primož Kalan,
Jože Maček, Branko Korelc, Andrej Cvetnič, Žak Prinčič,
Mark Dobrilovič, Andrej Križ, Tadej Majhenič
Visualization Janez Mesarič, Ambrož Močnik
English translation Marina Horak, Erica Johnson Debeljak, Veris d.o.o.,
Dominatus d.o.o.
Industrijsko Design
Embalaža in promocija
Strokovni prispevki

      © Barbara Prinčič Cogito Design. All rights reserved.
Webpage co-authors, photographs and coworkers
Children’s furniture

concept phase
Concept – To enable children’s play, movement, and interaction with furniture elements suitable for sleeping and storing clothes.

Modular furniture system – Elements are designed to furnish bedrooms for one, two, and three children; Certain elements, such as wooden storage boxes, allow for multiple functional transformations (small table with seat).

Rational use of space – The Tris design solution enables each child to sleep in his or her own bed, and not in a trundle stored in a drawer beneath another bed.

Independent manipulation – Design of elements stimulates independence, allowing child to manipulate and transform furniture.

Functionality – PP (polypropylene) storage boxes, placed on the floor beneath furniture element, allow multipurpose storage (for clothes or school material) that will be appropriate throughout childhood.

Hygiene – Furniture legs are 230 mm height allowing for thorough and easy cleaning on the underside as well. All PP boxes are easy to assemble, disassemble, and wash.