© Barbara Prinčič Cogito Design. All rights reserved.
Webpage co-authors, photographs and coworkers
Design Darja Vuga
Page set-up Drago Torkar
Photographs Miha Benedičič, Primož Kalan,
Jože Maček, Branko Korelc, Andrej Cvetnič, Žak Prinčič,
Mark Dobrilovič, Andrej Križ, Tadej Majhenič
Visualization Janez Mesarič, Ambrož Močnik
English translation Marina Horak, Erica Johnson Debeljak, Veris d.o.o.,
Dominatus d.o.o.
Industrijsko Design
Embalaža in promocija
Strokovni prispevki

      © Barbara Prinčič Cogito Design. All rights reserved.
Webpage co-authors, photographs and coworkers
  • The lecture titled The Way Toward a Green Product – What Does It Look Like? Invited as a scholar to Symposium SRIP MATPRO The Way Toward a Green Product-Sustainability Out Of the Box. Portorož, Slovenia. Organiser the SRIPMAT and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Available online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy5lIJaEwVk&ab_channel=MediaGZS.
  • The lecture titled The Story of Jute, organised as a public event in the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana as one of accompanying activities of BIO 27.
  • The lecture titled Sustainable Design in Practice at ALUO – Reducing Waste, Saving Resources, Minimising Costs by Developing and Making Multifunctional Units as Equipment for Students. Active participation at the international Mediterranean Islands Conference-Vis 2022. Organised by the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and Group Vern. Vis, Croatia. Available online: https://www.mic-vis.eu/docs/BookofAbstract-micvis2022.pdf.
  • Lecture at international multidisciplinary scientific conference Mediterranean Islands Conference-Vis with paper From Incineration to New Design Solutions Based on a Circular Economy. Organiser Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and Grupa Vern. Vis, Croatia.
  • Circular Economy Challenge - Instead of landfilling rather selling. Invited lecture within webinar called Circular Design or Sustainable Design. Organiser Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia within the project Interreg Central Europe, Coco4CCI.
  • Sustainable Design. Invited lecture for members of the Rotary Club Triglav, Ljubljana.
  • Implementation of an all-day workshop titled Creative Green Action Workshop for students of the Creative Design Department, College of Design, Yun-tech, Taiwan.
  • Our Responsible Journey, invited keynote lecturer at the International Conference on Cross-Boundary and Integration & Symposium on Sustainable Products and Industrial Management. Yun-tech, Taiwan.
  • Invited as lecturer for a presentation entitled Ecodesign and added value of the product within the professional workshop; From material to ecodesign-packaging in a circular economy. Organiser at Fit media d.o.o., Celje.
  • Guest invited lectures and workshop on Upcycling, Sustainability and Aesthetics at Tainan University of Technology, Fashion Design Department and at National Chiayi University, both in Taiwan.
  • Awareness About Environmentally-Responsible Design Among Designers. The lecture was held at a conference on plastics at MAO, Museum for Architecture and Design, Fužine Castle, Ljubljana.
  • Practicing Upcycling-Oriented Projects for a Circular Economy. The lecture was given within the Retrace partner's project meeting in Ljubljana. Organised by the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy.
  • Design for Youth – Between Needs and Wants. The lecture was held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ljubljana as part of the project Playful Architecture. Link to the lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlcFr1BfdF8.
  • A consultancy in the field of design at the event With Knowledge Toward Excellence, organised by the public agency SPIRIT, Hotel Mons, Ljubljana.
  • Design Thinking. A lecture for Slovene teachers held within the series of accompanying activities of Cultural Bazaar; with co-author Barbara Nardoni. Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana.
  • Designing Business Models. Two-day workshop in Maribor, Slovenia, supported by SPIRIT Agency. Within the workshop a lecture: Design Development Process by the Principle of Design Thinking. In cooperation with Marko Savić, MSc. Organised by Designers Society of Slovenia.
  • Design Thinking: Innovative and creative problem solving. A lecture held at the Business Market in Bled within the European week of entrepreneurship in Slovenia. Organised by SPIRIT Agency. The lecture is available at: https://prezi.com/bro8vegouss9/copy-of-nacrtovalski-razvojni-proces/.
  • Invited member of the round-table Environmentally friendly design to maintain the economy of closed loop material flow: requirements and limitations. The event took place in the context of the conference Environmentally Friendly Design - Will We Accept the Challenge? Organised by the Government Office for Development and European Affairs. Kino Šiška, Ljubljana. The entire round- table debate can be seen on videolectures.net, at http://videolectures.net/ecodesign2011_dermelj_ panel/.
  • Designing in materials: concept and realisation of design workshops at elementary schools Jurij Vega in Moravče, Savsko naselje and Valentin Vodnik in Ljubljana.
  • Polymers and sustainable developmet, lectures for students of the 4th year at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (University of Ljubljana), Department of Design, as part of the subject Design Management and part of the postgraduate course.
  • NPD-NET (A New Product Development Network), a workshop organised by Josef Stefan Institute from Ljubljana; active participation with a lecture on Integration of Visible and Invisible Parameters in a New Product Design Process, Ljubljana
    2004 to the present
  • Once a year lectures on Industrial Design and Methodology of the Design Process for students of the Textile Design Department at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (University of Ljubljana), as part of the Design Development curriculum subject.
    1999, 2000 in 2003
  • Industrial Design – presentation of the profession / specialist field; lectures for students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (University of Ljubljana), Textile Design Department, as guest lecturer hosted by Prof. Karin Košak.
  • Environmental product development; a lecture for the students of design as part of the Design Management curriculum subject; Academy of Fine Arts, Design Department.
  • ETE 3, International Congress on Packaging; active participation with a lecture on The Role of Design in the Development of the Environmentally Friendly Packaging, Festivalna dvorana, Bled, Slovenia
  • The promotion of industrial design in Taiwan and comparison with Slovenia; a lecture at the symposium How to become recognisable in the world market, WTC Ljubljana (on exclusive invitation for participants from leading Slovene companies)
  • Design for Sustainability & Durability; a lecture for the EDC guests from Korea; European Design Centre, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
  • Case Study Taiwan: a Taiwan Strategy for Design Globalisation; a lecture for the 3rd and 4th year students of design at the Academy of Fine Arts
  • a presentation of own design projects, CETRA/DPC, Taipei, Taiwan